Enoch Alifasi has raised:

  • 100%


  • Your Goal:


    $1,055 raised!

Team UPP Team 1

  • $8,077.00
  • Raised

    so far

Donation Details

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    Anonymous donated $200

    "You are a champion for for this cause "

    Anonymous donated $200
    Tafara Michael Gonese donated $30
    Anonymous donated $25
    Anonymous donated $55
    Anonymous donated $100
    Anonymous donated $25

    "Your dedication to raising funds for children's mental health is truly inspiring!"

    Anonymous donated $20
    Ralu T Eze donated $75
    Eulitha Chimbetete donated $75

    "Well done! "

    Enoch Alifasi donated $250

    "Let’s Go UPP team 1"