Mount Logan Summit Seekers has raised:

  • 100%


  • Goal:


    $6,101 raised!


  • Mount Logan Summit Seekers
  • Member Name
  • Amount Raised

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    Anonymous donated $100

    "Nice work team!"

    Jordan Mangum donated $376
    Marret Asset Management In.c donated $1,000
    Juan Rubio donated $100
    Ryan Hunt donated $100

    "Go MLC!"

    Ted Goldthorpe donated $500

    "Good luck team"

    Kevin Mcaleese donated $100
    Jennifer Krobot donated $100

    "Congrats MLC Team! "

    Clare Kim donated $100

    "Go TEAM!"

    Brian Kwok donated $100
    Anonymous donated $50
    Yejin Yeoum donated $100
    James Piekarski donated $75

    "GO TEAM!!"

    Sean Chen donated $75
    Matthew Rosencrans donated $100
    Henry Wang donated $1,000
    En-min Chua donated $100
    Kyra Gilson donated $75
    Cynthia Yu donated $100
    Kelly Wu donated $100
    Ngan Le donated $100
    Matthias Ederer donated $500

    "GO MLC TEAM!"