CIBC World Markets #1 has raised:

  • 100%


  • Goal:


    $7,678 raised!


  • CIBC World Markets #1
  • Member Name
  • Amount Raised

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    Cibc Benevity donated $300
    Kathryn Lagroix donated $75
    Jewamir Najmaddin donated $100
    Heather Killian donated $100
    Tiffany Sun donated $100
    Tatiana Hartmann donated $100
    Karen Yeung donated $100
    Anonymous donated $100
    Llion Owen donated $800
    Timothy Mott donated $50
    James Gray donated $100
    Donald Mikolich donated $100
    Swartout Nicole donated $250
    Michael Choi donated $100
    Damani Thomas donated $100
    Craig Donlan donated $150
    Anon Cibc donated $2
    Karl Wildi donated $300
    Yanil Khaslavsky donated $50
    Sunil Adalja donated $100
    Michael Jefferson donated $100
    Maya Cukierman donated $100
    Alexander Kamenskiy donated $50
    King Lok Lam donated $100
    Andrew Maciel donated $100
    Anonymous donated $101
    Anon Cibc donated $50
    Cedrik Roth donated $100
    Timothy Cronin donated $1,200
    Dyer Boyne donated $100
    Jourdon Craig donated $100
    Jordan Lack donated $100
    Julia Bond donated $100
    Connor Young donated $50
    Amy McAlpine donated $50