perfOMERS has raised:

  • 100%


  • Goal:


    $6,965 raised!


  • perfOMERS
  • Member Name
  • Amount Raised

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    Thorsten Koop donated $100
    Anonymous donated $100
    Peter Weldon donated $100
    Rudy Morvan donated $60
    Kenton Bradbury donated $250

    "Good luck perfOMERS!"

    Ralph Berg donated $75
    Anonymous donated $50
    Lip Jin Lee donated $200

    "Go perfOMERS! "

    Robert Philip Jonathon Gouley donated $150
    OMERS donated $100

    "Best wishes and thanks for representing a great cause"

    Anonymous donated $250
    Thorsten Koop donated $100
    Nan Chen donated $250
    Anonymous donated $100

    "Good Luck"