Vino Selvalingam has raised:

  • 100%


  • Your Goal:


    $2,675 raised!

Team Morgan Stanley Investment Management

  • $4,026.00
  • Raised

    so far

Donation Details

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    Xiaozhou Zhou donated $200

    "Go team"

    Suban V Sinnadurai donated $75

    "Way to go, Vin! Keep up the great work. "

    Conrad Theodore Coleman donated $250
    Anonymous donated $50
    Anonymous donated $75
    Suraj Panjwani donated $75
    Erion Karroqe donated $50

    "Good luck Vino!"

    Saiinujan Vasavan donated $50

    "Good luck Vinothan!"

    Anonymous donated $50

    "If you can win, will be appreciated but no pressure at all"

    Nirushan Mahendran donated $100
    Keithan Kangatharan donated $100

    "Good Luck Pal!"

    Shivam Dhir donated $50

    "All the best, Vino! "

    Paul Song donated $75

    "Go Vino!"

    Anjali Selvalingam donated $50

    "Goodluck Vino!"

    Rohan Thiru donated $500
    Rohan Thiru donated $75
    Samantha Schoen donated $250

    "Good luck Vino!"

    Sharvin Sivakumar donated $50
    Anonymous donated $50
    Harrish Sinnadurai donated $50
    Anonymous donated $50
    Michael A donated $75
    Anonymous donated $75
    Matthew Sebesten donated $100
    Haran Bascaramurty donated $100

    "Keep up the good work Vinothan!"

    Vinothan Selvalingam donated $50